Headteacher's Welcome



‘Stonebow is a happy school.  Pupils love how well everyone gets on and how kind the teachers are to them.’  Ofsted September 2019


I’m proud to be the headteacher of Stonebow Primary School, which has been recognised as a happy one.  Our dedicated team work together to ensure that all children achieve their potential through rich, high quality learning experiences, in partnership with parents and the wider community.

We encourage our pupils to use their ‘Stonebow Powers’ of Perseverance, Concentration, Curiosity, Cooperation, Enthusiasm and Respect, to develop a positive growth mindset and become lifelong learners.

Our broad and engaging curriculum, ensures that children receive a well-rounded education; where the attributes and talents of all children are recognised and nurtured, to ensure they experience success and reach their full potential.  We aim for our children to leave Stonebow with many happy memories, along with key skills and knowledge – ready for next phase of their education and beyond!

We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school.  Working together, we are ‘building bridges to a brighter future’.

If you would like to visit our school, please contact the school office to book an appointment.  In the meantime, I encourage you to explore our website, to get a flavour of our extensive indoor and outdoor learning environment and how we use this to support our curriculum.

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Paul Brockless


Short welcome – Video  The Stonebow community – Video

Latest News

Hi All, We hope you are all ready for half term. On the first Friday back we will be hosting a tuck shop after school. Have a great week. Your Friends of Stonebow Team 


Hi All, We hope you are all ready for half term. On the first Friday back we ...

World Book Day - Friday 7th March 2025:

As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading the school will be celebrating WORLD BOOK DAY across the school on Friday 7th March 2025.

The children are invited to come to school in a book related costume on the day, as it’s an exciting way for children to share conversations about books and get recommendations from each other. What does your child like to read? They could wear a small clue or a whole costume. If you want ideas there are great low-cost options on the World Book Day website and we encourage you to use items that you already have at home wherever possible.

In addition to dressing up, we would like to invite you in to school to take part in a reading related activity with your child during the morning. The timings for these activities are as follows:

EYFS 9-9.30 (in the classroom)
KS1 9.15-9.45 (in the hall)
Y3/4 10-10.30 (in the hall)
Y5/6 10.45-11.15 (in the hall)

Each child will receive a £1 book voucher. World Book Day tokens can be redeemed for free at a range of bookshops, supermarkets and retailers. Find your local shop here.

We’re very much looking forward to celebrating World Book Day, which could not be possible without the support of parents and carers – thank you!

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World Book Day - Friday 7th March 2025:As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage ...

We have had a great day celebrating all things numbers! From finding numbers on the playground to challenging each other with number themed board games. A great day had by all! Thank you to those that have already donated, if you haven't already done so and would like to donate, Miss Turner has popped the link in the comments below!


We have had a great day celebrating all things numbers! From finding numbers on the playground to ...

Well done to our Stonebow Winners for the week. Keep up the great work, using all those Stonebow Powers. 🌟


Well done to our Stonebow Winners for the week. Keep up the great work, using all those ...

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2025 challenge in January. It was lovely to see the pots that some children decorated and the notes telling us how people had raised their contribution.  This has raised an amazing total to go towards improving the school playground experience. It's going to be super exciting to see the new playground markings going down and then our children playing with them. Also, at the end of the year some parents joined Asda's cashpot, where Asda donated when people used them for shopping. This has raised us another great amount.  Thank you for your continued support. Your Friends of Stomebow Team


Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2025 challenge in January. It was lovely to see ...

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Stonebow Powers

Inspired to use their Stonebow Powers, the children across the school entered a competition to design superheroes to represent each of the ‘powers’.  Using different elements, from a range of designs, the caped character was born – with each cape illustrating the ‘power’.

After learning about Super Powers we told the children that they all have special learning powers of their own.

Stonebow Powers 1   Stonebow Powers 2

If they put their minds to it they can use :

  • Concentration
  • Cooperation
  • Curiosity
  • Perseverance
  • Enthusiasm
  • Respect

Upcoming Events

Spring Half Term : School Closed

Spring Half Term : School Closed


Spring Half Term : School Closed

World Book Day

World Book Day


World Book Day

National Child Measurement Programme 2025 - EYFS & Y6

National Child Measurement Programme 2025 - EYFS & Y6


National Child Measurement Programme 2025 - EYFS & Y6

Friends DISCOs 6-7, 715-815

Friends DISCOs 6-7, 715-815


Friends DISCOs 6-7, 715-815

Friends break the rules day

Friends break the rules day


Friends break the rules day


World Book Day - Friday 7th March 2025

As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading the school will be celebrating WORLD BOOK DAY across the school on Friday 7th March 2025.

The children are invited to come to school in a book related costume on the day, as it’s an exciting way for children to share conversations about books and get recommendations from each other. What does your child like to read? They could wear a small clue or a whole costume. If you want ideas there are great low-cost options on the World Book Day website and we encourage you to use items that you already have at home wherever possible.

In addition to dressing up, we would like to invite you in to school to take part in a reading related activity with your child during the morning. The timings for these activities are as follows:

EYFS 9-9.30 (in the classroom)
KS1 9.15-9.45 (in the hall)
Y3/4 10-10.30 (in the hall)
Y5/6 10.45-11.15 (in the hall)

Each child will receive a £1 book voucher. World Book Day tokens can be redeemed for free at a range of bookshops, supermarkets and retailers. Find your local shop here.

We’re very much looking forward to celebrating World Book Day, which could not be possible without the support of parents and carers – thank you!


February 13th, 2025 / March 7th, 2025