Support Links
Leics. Partnership NHS Trust – School Nurse
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) school nurses have launched a ground-breaking new website ‘Health for Kids’. Developed with the help of over 60 children from local primary schools, the unique website is the first NHS website that has been created especially for children to learn about staying healthy and looking after their health. The website was launched recently at the National Space Centre with the children involved. Visit
The website features a diverse range of health topics from bullying to brushing teeth, allergies to bereavement. The games, videos, and interactive content have been written and overseen by experts from across LPT services including school nursing, health improvement, smoking cessation, dietetics, paediatricians, and mental health. There is now a section about the flu immunisation programm under Staying Healthy-Stopping Flu
Advice for Parents and Carers in Leicestershire and Rutland
Text the number below or to chat online go to Chat Health
– Organisation: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
– Service: Leicestershire and Rutland health visiting/school nursing service
– For: Parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19
– Response time: Within 24 hours,9 am to 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
Text to 07520 615382
Advice on Autism in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
– Organisation: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
– Service: Specialist Autism Service
– For: Anybody (including parents and carers) with a diagnosis of Autism in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
– Response Time: Within 24 hours, 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
Text to 07312 277097
Mental Health Advice for Adults in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
– Organisation: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and Turning Point
– Service: Adult mental health
– For: Adults aged 18 and over
– Response time: Within 24 hours, 6pm to 10pm, 7 days a week.
Text to 07480 635199
Mum’s Mind for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
– Organisation: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
– Service: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Perinatal Mental Health service
– For: mental health support of mum’s during pregnancy and baby’s first year
– Response time: Within 24 hours, 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
Text to 07507 330026