At Stonebow we have 4 houses –
All pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 are allocated to a house, with brothers and sisters belonging to the same one.
Pupils can gain house points for a variety of different achievements. Any adult in school can award them to any pupil who deserves recognition. House points can be gained daily for a whole range of reasons such as showing good manners, outstanding effort in learning, being a good friend or setting an excellent example to others.
Each year, House Captains and Vice Captains are appointed from Year 6 and they fulfil a variety of roles and responsibilities throughout the year. This includes inspiring and encouraging their own house team, meetings with staff to discuss areas of school improvement and representing the ‘pupil voice’ relating to all aspects of school life.
House points are collected from each class on a fortnightly basis and the running total is announced in our Friday celebration assembly. Watch out for these on the ‘home’ page of our school website! Other ‘whole school’ events, such as Sports Day are also organised in houses to encourage a collaborative and competitive team spirit.
At the end of the school year, the house with the overall highest number of house points is awarded the House Trophy, which is on display in the school foyer.