Food & Drink

Food Hygiene Rating  Our kitchen was​ inspected February 2022 and received the top rating.

School Meals –   A copy of the current menu is available below.  We are currently offering 4 choices.  Our sandwich option is cheese only and not ham, as advertised.  There are dates under each week so that you know the choice for that week.  Meals must be paid for in advance.  This can be paid by using Weduc.

Click this link for information about Free School Meals. 

A healthy, nutritious drink of milk, everyday!

If you would like your child to have a drink of milk freshly delivered to school each day you will need to order this via the following website Children aged from 5 -11 will be able to have milk supplied at a subsidised price but will have to register with coolmilk direct. In school, children are entitled to free milk until they reach their 5th birthday or are in receipt of Free School Meals. After that, milk will not be provided unless it has been ordered. There is a wealth of information for all parents/carers on the website detailed above, so why not have a look and find out about the benefits of a healthy drink of milk everyday.