Robins – EYFS
Welcome to the start of your child’s Learning Journey at Stonebow. We are looking forward to getting to know them as they settle into their first year at school. In our class Mrs Donaghy is the class teacher supported by LSAs – Mrs Hanley in the morning and Mrs Turgoose in the afternoon.
We are the Early Years Foundation Stage– We aim to give all of our children a good foundation. We want them to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills and become life-long learners. We plan the learning through topics based on the seasons, key events and the children’s interests. We frequently use stories to bring our topics to life. During our school day we have lots of opportunities to develop our knowledge and skills and there is a good mix of adult led and child led activities. Children have many exciting and stimulating activities to get involved in so our days are very busy.
Outdoor Learning– We recognise that young children need to be active, and therefore we frequently go outdoors to take part in activities that involve reading, writing, listening, counting and many other skills. We could teach these skills in a passive way but know that children learn better when they are active and having fun. We have a variety of outdoor areas to learn in, and we take advantage of any opportunity to explore the beautiful countryside that surrounds our school. So don’t forget to send in some wellington boots with your child.
Information Sharing– We will share your child’s learning with us on Tapestry (our on-line Learning Journey). You will be able to view photos, notes and videos so you can see the things that your child has been doing and what we will be learning. Tapestry (alongside the school website and communication app – WEDUC) is also useful for sharing information about special days or events due to take place at school so do make sure you advise us if you change your email address or phone number so you don’t miss out! Feel free to send us photos and notes about what your child has been doing at home via Tapestry, so we have a full picture of your child’s skills and interests.
Reading – Books for the children to read at home will be changed once a week, however the day of the week may vary. For children to make good progress, it is vital that they are supported in this at home and therefore we expect the children to read with you as regularly as possible, preferably daily. Please record any home reading in your child’s reading record. Please make sure book bags (including your child’s reading folder) are in school every day.
Reading is so important. First we learn to read and then we read to learn.
Mathematics – We promote learning for mastery and encouraging a deep understanding of concepts in maths. We follow the NCTEM Mastering Number programme which aims to give children a firm foundation in Mathematics. It often links to the Cbeebies programme the Numberblocks which the children love.
Homework activities – Please support your child with their reading, sound cards and tricky words for at least five minutes most days. They will also have little challenges to complete which will be shared on Tapestry. You can complete these activities in your child’s home-links book or via Tapestry.
PE – PE sessions will be taught on Monday. We thank you for your cooperation in sending your child to school dressed in their school PE kit. Please ensure that earrings/jewellery are removed on PE days. See the school uniform policy for further guidance.
Water – Please ensure that your child has a named bottle of water for in school every day, for drinking in the classroom. Please do not send in juice or flavoured water. We are available before school when the children arrive for quick conversations or we can arrange to give you a quick phone call if required. Please do not hesitate to come and see us – we value your interest and support!