Foxes Year 1
Welcome to our Foxes class page! We are all in Year 1 in Key Stage 1.
Miss Turner is the Foxes class teacher. Miss Sykes, Mrs O’Connell and Mrs Hanley also support learning in the Key Stage 1 area. Miss Logue may also teach groups of children for Phonics at points during the year.
Reading – Books for the children to read at home will be changed once a week, on differing days throughout the week. However, we hope that the children will have access to other books at home, for example, from the local library and/or mobile library which parks outside the school. Reading in school takes the form of whole class shared texts, individual reading and reading during Read Write Inc phonics sessions.
For children to make good progress, it is vital that they are supported in this at home and therefore we expect the children to read with you as regularly as possible, preferably daily. Please record any home reading in your child’s reading record. Please make sure book bags (including your child’s reading folder) are in school every day.
Phonics Screening Check – Year 1 children are required to undertake a Phonics Screening Check in the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025. The check consists of 40 words (real and pseudo-words), and delivered by us in school. Regular reading at home will support the children in this.
Mathematics – We promote learning for mastery and encouraging a deep understanding of concepts in maths. Maths lessons are taught using Power Maths, White Rose Maths and NCETM resources. The children also have an additional shorter Mastering Number session four times per week, which focuses on building strong foundations, fluency, flexibility and confidence in basic number.
Sumdog is available at home via the school website to recap learning and develop recall in mathematics. Your child also has a log-in for Spelling Shed. We will share your child’s log-in details in the coming weeks as these are confirmed.
Homework activities – Any paper-based homework activities will be included in your child’s reading folder, distributed on Monday (please ensure that they come in on this day). These activities are most beneficial for your child if they carry them out with you and you encourage them to take pride in their work. We will share a short handwriting activity each week alongside either Spelling Shed spelling practise or a mathematics activity (this will alternate weekly).
PSHE and RSE – All year groups have weekly PSHE lessons. During the summer term, the children learn about ‘Growing and Changing’, which includes physical changes and anatomy, as well as social and emotional changes. Please check the curriculum pages for year group details here: LINK TO PSHE PAGES
This year there will be two parents’ evenings – one in October and another during the spring term (usually February). Here we will be able to inform you of your child’s progress and any areas that you could support your child in.
PE – PE sessions will be taught on Thursdays and Fridays. We thank you for your cooperation in sending your child to school dressed in their school PE kit. Please ensure that earrings/jewellery are removed on PE days. See the school uniform policy for further guidance.
Wider Curriculum
Our topics for the year are:
- Autumn 1: Our School
Autumn 2: Light and Colour - Spring 1: Busy Bodies
Spring 2: All Creatures Great and Small - Summer 1: Up in the Air
Summer 2: Water
Water – Please ensure that your child has a named bottle of water for in school every day, for drinking in the classroom.
I am available before school when the children arrive for quick conversations or I can arrange to give you a quick phone call if required. Please do not hesitate to come and see us – we value your interest and support! Electronic communication will be via Weduc only.
At the end of the day, we will dismiss the children to a recognised adult. Children will remain with the member of staff if the adult picking them up is not there as appropriate. If you are delayed and are not going to be there to meet them or they are going home with another friend or family member, then please contact the school office.
Foxes Timetable