Owls Year 5/6

Welcome to Mrs Bailey’s wonderful class of 34 Year 5 and Year 6 children! We are an enthusiastic bunch who love to learn and throw ourselves into every challenge possible. Bring on what the year has in store for us!

There are 2 classes in UKS2: 

5/6AW – The Squirrels & 5/6LB – The Owls

The Team: Mrs. Bailey teaching The Owls and Mrs Welstead teaching The Squirrels.

Miss Doyle, Mrs Noble, Mrs Turgoose, Miss Sykes, Mrs Robinson and Mr Marchington teaching in both classes.


  • Books for the children to read at home will be changed regularly once children have completed their chapter books. They have access to our classroom books as well as the school library. We also encourage children to read a wide range of reading material from other sources at home, for example, from the local library/mobile library which parks outside the school, recipes when cooking or baking at home etc. Reading in school takes the form of a daily VIPERS session four times a week as well as opportunities to read throughout the curriculum, including shared story time. For children to make good progress, it is vital that they are supported in this at home and therefore we expect the children to read as regularly as possible, preferably daily for at least ten minutes. Please record any home reading in your child’s reading record and sign with a parental/guardian signature for us to monitor.
  • Mathematics – We promote learning for mastery and encouraging a deep understanding of concepts in maths. In UKS2, arithmetic plays a vital role in our Maths learning and so the children will complete regular practise sessions using the four operations, fractions, percentages and decimals. Times tables are incredibly important for day to day Maths learning, and children should have quick recall of all 12. Regular practice of multiplication tables would be very beneficial for those who find them tricky.
  • Sumdog is available at home via the school website to develop fluency in Mathematics. Your child should be aware of their log-in details as they remain the same each year. Please contact us if this if this is not the case.
  • Homework activities – Sumdog and Spelling Shed (as per last year). The children should practise their spellings and times tables each week. Every Friday, we will complete some spelling activities in the morning, which will sometimes include mini quizzes to check the children’s awareness of that week’s spelling pattern.
  • The children will be given a termly creative home learning task where they will be given a choice of activity. These are linked to the wider curriculum, mainly Science and Topic but also sometimes PSHE or other subjects. The children are often given around six weeks to complete these tasks as they require planning, preparation and creativity which will take them time. These tasks are often much more practical than those listed for Maths and Spelling.
  • PSHE and RSE – In UKS2, we will have weekly PSHE lessons with the following themes:
  • Me and my Relationships 
  • Valuing Difference
  • Keeping Safe         
  • Rights and Respect
  • Being my Best       
  • Growing and Changing (RSE)
  • PE – PE sessions will be taught on a Tuesday and a Thursday afternoon. Occasionally, the Thursday session will be swapped to a Monday, but you will receive a notification via Weduc in advance of this happening. We thank you for your cooperation in sending your child to school dressed in their school PE kit. Please ensure that earrings/jewellery are removed on PE days. See the school uniform policy for further guidance.
  • Wider Curriculum
  • Our History and Geography topics for the year are:
  • Autumn – Raging Rivers
  • Spring  – Victorians
  • Summer – Biomes
  • Our Science topics for the year are:
  • Autumn – Living Things and their Habitats
  • Autumn – Evolution and Inheritance
  • Spring – Forces
  • Summer – Animals Including Humans S
  • Please click the following link to all CURRICULUM PAGES
  • Water – Please ensure that your child has a named bottle of water for in school everyday, for drinking in the classroom.

Mobile Phones

If your child walks home independently and requires a phone with them in school, they will be left in the school office for the day and collected again at the end of the school day.

End of school day

  • At the end of the day, we will dismiss the children from the main playground to a recognised adult unless we have permission via the weduc form for children to walk home independently. Children will remain with the member of staff if the adult picking them up is not there as appropriate. If you are delayed and are not going to be there to meet them or they are going home with another friend or family member, then please contact the school office to inform us.
  • We will meet in October and February for Parents Evenings however, please do not hesitate to contact us if you ever need to. You can leave a message with the office to arrange a phone call or meeting if required, or talk to us at the end of the school day.

We are incredibly excited for the year ahead!

Owls Class Timetable