Modern Foreign Languages
(French – français (masculine) /française(feminine)
We aim to ensure that all pupils:
- develop a curiosity and deeper understanding of the world around them, increasing their understanding of other cultures and countries
- are able to understand and respond to a spoken and written foreign language from a variety of sources
- are familiar with the unique sounds of another foreign language and can use these to help them to pronounce familiar and unfamiliar words correctly
- use their knowledge with growing confidence and competence to understand what they hear and read and express themselves confidently in speech and writing in another language
How we do it at Stonebow
French is taught by each class teacher each week for at least 25 minutes
Topics are often story based and much of the planning focuses upon verbal communication in French and links to Physical French Phonics in order to encourage correct pronunciation and a confident approach to unfamiliar words as the children progress into KS2.
We have adopted the Language Angels online scheme of work which is structured to support each of the themed topics. The interactive scheme ensures accurate French phonics and pronunciation, through repetition and class discussion. The scheme is filled with familiar animated characters that the children can relate to.
Planning for KS2 is in line with The National Curriculum in England 2014 – Languages Programmes of Study. Reference is also made to the National Primary Languages Strategy Framework.
Learning Pathway Example
Long Term Planning Cycles A & B
Please click on the links below to access these great online games
For French phonics –
To practise numbers 1 to 10 –
To watch videos about colours –
For a range of French games –
To listen to ‘Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur’ – Search YouTube and type the title of the story. Click on the first result in the list.
For a range of games on different topics –