Religious Education
RE plays an important part in fulfilling the school’s overall aims. In particular, through the teaching of RE children should:
1) Learn about and be able to understand a range of religions and worldviews so that they can:
- Recognise the diversity which exists within communities
- Ask and answer questions relating to these religions and worldviews
- Appreciate and appraise the nature, significance and impact of different ways of life.
2) Express ideas and insights of religions and worldviews so that they can:
- Explain their ideas about how beliefs influence individuals and communities
- Express their personal reflections and responses to questions.
3) Gain and use skills to engage with religions and worldviews so that they can:
- Find out about and investigate key concepts and questions, responding creatively
- Enquire into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully for the wellbeing of all
- Talk about beliefs, values and commitments clearly explaining why they may be important to their own and others’ lives.
How we do it at Stonebow
We allocate at least 30 minutes per week for RE as part of our broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that a range of activities that have transferable knowledge value are undertaken. The opportunity for ‘hands on’ learning; thoughtful discussion and extended written work are part and parcel of the knowledge-based philosophy of learning we have here at Stonebow Primary School.
Learning Pathway Example
Long Term planning Cycles A & B